Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lindsay's Baby Shower

She's ready to go! She and Cody have had a motto this year . . . "WHY WAIT?" This past week, Lindsay's motto is "BRING IT ON!"
We had so much fun with family and friends! We are so glad Betsie could join us all the way from Tennessee!
Our Stephanie is just one month behind Lindsay and having a girl too.
Emma and Jennidee were the stars of the show! (no i don't know which is which - I am thinking J left and Emmer's right?)
Thanks so much Juli, Quinn, Jill for helping with the shower. Here is the story of these baby dolls: Last Monday, Lindsay texted me to tell me she had had a terrible nightmare the night before. She dreamed she had given birth to three plastic baby dolls. Everyone around her acted like that was just normal and Lindsay was SO MAD in her dream!!!! Of course these had to be part of the decorations!

1 comment:

The Perry's said...

Lindsay looks so cute pregnant! I hope that every thing is going good for her. It looked like the baby shower was fun too!