Monday, October 26, 2009

Really - 3 months?

Wow - - so I am busy, busy, busy - better than boredom Right? Ah, what's new? Well, I officially have a sport now and luckily my husband and I share it - - - yes, we love guns. Thanks to Dad, Juli, Dr. Baird, Jacque, Aunt Jan, I got that first introduction and that was all it took. Our trip to Front Sight last month sealed the deal and Ken and I are lifetime members. We will be going down next month for the four-day defensive handgun course with the 30 state concealed permit class. What a way to spend our 31st anniversary. As much as I ADORE the CHIEF, I really felt I needed to enter the Semi-Auto world so I will be taking over Ken's 9 mm XDM and we found him a 40 cal XDM The CHIEF is loaded with defense rounds somewhere in the house ready for any intruder. Got a BIG safe down the basement bolted to the floor, so we have guns upstairs and down - loaded for bear. Another development - - - the ole gallbladder is coming out next wednesday - hooray!!! I have HAD IT with feeling sick and in pain for the last 6 weeks. Enough of that. Should be healed up nicely in time to go shooting:)